We all suffer from information overload. Studies show the average adult is frantically multi-tasking and consuming media over 12 hours per day! All this distraction can hurt your marketing and result in less fan engagement, less social media participation and potentially even less ticket sales.

There is a better way that is almost guaranteed to get your fans to listen to you and eagerly engage.


The fact is, your fans are always on the lookout for entertainment and excitement. And creating that experience is easier than ever when you host a 3D Photo Sweepstakes using PIX2WIN®.

PIX2WIN® is a software platform used to operate games of chance where pictures are used as part of the game experience.

Sweepstakes have stood the test of time as a crowd favorite. Fast food restaurants and other popular brands have been using sweepstakes for years with huge success. That’s because people love the chance to win!

Now with the combination of social media, mobile devices and realtime 3D graphics, you can easily run exciting, eye-catching promotions that engage fans before, during and after the game. All with the power of PIX2WIN®.


Fans send photos via Twitter or Instagram and include your hashtag. PIX2WIN® then collects all photos and converts them into sweepstakes entries. Then instruct PIX2WIN® to select a random winner and run the drawing from your laptop onto your screens in live 3D motion graphics.

Access the PIX2WIN® web-based control panel by laptop or mobile device to manage your campaign.
• Crop photos
• Delete unwanted content
• Add logos and brand messaging
• Access statistics


PIX2WIN® will boost your social media activity now that your fans have an incentive to participate. And social engagement is just one advantage of a sweepstakes promotion.
• Sell tickets by promoting the sweepstakes before the event.
• Increase sales at the stadium by sending coupons and prizes to every fan who sends a photo.
• Run sponsored promotions that sponsors can advertise before each game and all season long.
• Build your fan base by running “second-chance” drawings on your website or social media page.

To Purchase PIX2WIN® please contact

PIX2WIN® is a software platform used to operate games of chance where pictures are used as part of the game experience.