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How Xolomon Reduces Cost per Lead by 94% with Remote Calls

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How Danone Developed and Tracked More Than 6 Types of Sales Force Measurement Dashboards Across 7 Countries to Increase Sales Effectiveness

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Platforce is a CRM integrated with an MCE and able to generate actionable insights to further empower reps and drive business. Flexibility for customization is like no other in the market. A core enabler to our medical sales.

Ada Liu

Sales Force

To take the opportunity and improve the shortcomings in digital health, Xolomon needed a solution like Platforce that would help come up with a multichannel approach with the right content in the right channel. Platforce allows the integration of CRM, a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous channels, and the development of interactive and relevant content.

Takeshi Nakauma

Founder & CEO